We were so excited to raise enough money for dresses to also include a small group of Kenyan women that we occasionally work with! This amazing group of women are all HIV+ and work so hard to support their families. As they always say they are "living positive" and are a great inspiration to me always! Here are just a few of the women with their fabrics they chose - love that navy fabric!
We can't forget about the men! Our group in Kenya has some incredible male artists who make our jewelry. They will be getting suits made - can't wait to see these! Here are some of the fabrics they chose for their new suits!
We were also excited to see what fabrics our Kenyan artists would select! These incredible women live in Kibera slums on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. They seek to stop the poverty cycle that they have known and improve the lives of their children!
These dresses will look gorgeous!
One thing we felt strongly about is that we wanted these new items of clothing made by tailors in Africa - supporting African businesses and celebrating their own cultural styles and fashion.
Each artist chose their own fabric, was measured and selected the style of outfit they would like to wear. An exciting shopping experience many of them had never had before!
This group of artists in Uganda are all former child soldiers from Kony's LRA. They are working on restoring their lives and supporting their families through the work of their hands. Thank you for celebrating them!
We waited to tell our artists that they would be receiving new dresses (and suits for the men) until we knew there was enough of a response. Let's just say they were EXCITED! You will want your sound on for this video - but maybe not too loud! :-)
This is a group of former child soldiers we work with in Northern Uganda. Love their response!
THANK YOU for making this possible!