Education is one fundamental resource that every human being should be subjected to. In Kibera slums we have a huge lot of uneducated youths who end up terrorizing the lives of their educated counterparts. Without proper education here in Kibera Slums, a large majority ends up becoming exactly the opposite of what society expects from them. Boys start stealing and breaking into people's homes. This is therefore a major source of insecurity but with proper education this profanity can be reversed hence the youths here can be kept busy with schoolwork or engage themselves with other legit things that can help build this vast community of Kibera or themselves as individuals.
Through proper education, the youths can come up with innovative ideas of how they can uplift their living standard here in Kibera. Come up with business ideas where one can be his/her own boss to ease this huge number of unemployment and joblessness. Through this then insecurity and cases of thefts and robberies will be narrowed down. As we all know, "an idle mind is the devil's workshop". The youths here need to be kept busy at all times guaranteed that at the end of the day, they'll have earned a living. People here need to prosper and live and not just to survive for the day. Survival is what makes the typical human being to do things that are not in line with what the society expects. And for one to live and prosper then education comes in as the most significant resource.
Majority of the youths I have come across only finished their form four education (high school) and it's not that they failed to qualify for a course at the university. Money happens to be a big problem here hence a lot of them don't go to the university because of school fees issues. But majority of them would really want to further their education if they get like a wellwisher or a sponsor for that matter.
Now here's exactly what education will do to the youths of Kibera:
Improve the living standard of people hence reducing crimes and lowering poverty levels.
Education will aid nature intellect to a broader perspective.
Through education we alleviate the living standards of the people of Kibera by creating skilled labour since most of the people living in Kibera are working as semi-skilled hence they end up living poorly because of underpayment and poor wages but through education we can be able to raise the living standards of the upcoming generation.
Through education the youths can know and learn ways by which they can fit well in the society and stop idling around which will end up with things like doing drugs and robberies.
That means education is a basic significant resource that every human being should be subjected to.
Bryan Jaybee was born and raised in Kibera slums where he still resides. He is 22 years old and a journalism student at Multimedia University of Kenya, currently in his final year. Bryan will be sharing an insider’s view on life in Kibera every Tuesday on our blog with his photos and words. You can follow Bryan on instagram at @kiberastories for daily posts on life in Kibera.
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